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Natural mole repellents -- 6 plants that can repel moles

Daffodils can help moles. Beautiful, and yet great humane mole repellents!

Spring is coming soon and you may be wondering what plants you can use to humanely repel moles from your garden. Plants can be a good way to repel moles from areas of your property where you have your garden. Remember that moles themselves don't eat your garden, but their tunnels can provide access to voles, gophers, and mice that do.

Bear in mind that some of these plants are poisonous. Notably, castor bean plants (Ricinus communis) and the caper spurge or mole plant (Euphorbia lathyris) are both toxic if ingested and can be irritating if the latex sap is handled. After all, "natural" does not automatically mean safe! You may wish to avoid these two if you are concerned about pets or children eating them. In addiction, Allium can also sometimes be dangerous for dogs if eaten. Bulbs such as daffodils, allium, and Fritillarias can be planted in the fall, other perennial/annual plants such as mole plant, marigolds, and castor bean plants should be planted in the spring.

I would recommend planting these ornamental plants as a perimeter around your main garden. For the larger castor bean plants, these can be a perimeter around the main lawn. I would use these in conjunction with vibration stakes, such as the Vekibee stakes.

1. Daffodils -- A bulb. Plant in the autumn in partial shade in a well-drained area. Refer to plant instructions for details.

2. Alliums -- Bulbs. Plant in the fall. Likes sun, but is not picky. As with all bulbs, needs good drainage. Refer to plant instructions for details. Some of these are great for attracting hummingbirds.

3. Fritillarias -- A lily type bulb. Plant in the fall. Placement and planting depth dependent on the variety you purchase.

4. Marigolds -- Usually bought already germinated. Plant in the spring in full sunshine. Note that these can sometimes inhibit the growth of other plants so be mindful of what you are planting and where you want these cheerful blooms to go.

5. Castor bean plant -- Plant in spring. Can purchase seeds or already germinated. These will grow easily in full sun. Poisonous, so be mindful of where to put these.

6. Mole plant aka caper spurge -- Plant in spring. These are poisonous and not edible despite the name of caper. Has medicinal properties, but I would strongly recommend checking with a doctor before taking advantage of this. Grows easily and readily in most places and can be weedy, so remove any plants you do not want.



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