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These are the highest rated mole repellers for 2019

Are you finding moles in your newly planted garden or freshly laid down lawn? Need some kind of repeller? If you are looking for mole repellent stakes, I have for you the top 7 solar powered mole repellent stakes for 2019. Since I last posted about the highest rated mole repeller, new brands have emerged to topple older names such as Vekibee. I will rank these in order of highest stars first, but will note which of those are truly for the mole repeller. So read carefully and thoroughly.

And so, with these new brands, and at least a year's worth of ratings for them, I have a list of the highest rated mole stakes for this spring 2019. As I already mentioned, bear in mind that "highest rated on Amazon" does not mean the product warrants that rating, as many of the reviews may be for other products due to glitches. I will note this when I see it.

1. XMSTORE Solar Powered Mole Repellent -- By far, this is the highest rate solar powered mole repeller on Amazon. It's claim to fame is an affordable price coupled with a high conversion solar charger that claims to be more effective than other solar mole stakes. 4 hours of sun allow it to work for 5 days. However, most of the ratings are for caffeinated products or a bird feeder. The few reviews calling out for mole repelling is not that high.

2.Toro Solar Powered Mole Repellents -- Now this mole repellent has about a 100 reviews and they are DEFINITELY about the mole repeller. Most are positive, and those with issues have said that they have had their problems resolved with the company that does diligence to communicate with their customers. This is a mole repellent company to keep in mind.

3. Vekibee Solar Powered Mole Repellers -- I wrote about these mole repellers a while ago, and while they may not rate as high as newer brands, they still rate favorably. You can check out my blog article on them here.

4.Senca Solar Powered Mole Repellers -- These mole repellent stakes have fewer ratings (about 30) than the other mole repellers on Amazon, but nonetheless, they still rate high. They don't offer anything substantially different than Vekibee or other mole stakes, but they may be a good choice if other brands are sold out.

5. Zyyrss Mole Repellent Stakes.--By far, these mole repellents have the strangest brand name, and less reviews than Senca, but those reviews are largely positive.

6. Redeo Mole Repellers -- These mole stakes have the same rating as Zyyrss, and likely work the same. They are yellow and claim to have passed waterproof test IP67. I don't know if that makes it truly unique, but its something to think about if you live in a rainy area. The reviews state that they work well, but are not exactly user friendly.

7. Apello Mole Repellers -- These mole stakes have fewer, though positive ratings. It should be noted that they are not listed as being as water or rain proof as the other brands, and I was a bit concerned about the many misspellings on the product's description. Care has to be taken to prevent rain from getting into the device. Also, some of the reviews seem to be about other products. With that in mind, while these reviews are positive, they may not be what they seem. I'm including these stakes here due to the ratings, but only warily so. I want you to take note of them too.

8.Lomeray Mole Repellents -- Once again, you have a product with a few, but 100% high ratings, only to find that the ratings are for apparently different products. As with Apello, there are a few (very few) ratings about the product itself, but the rest are for other items. This item has less pertinent information about the stakes and their waterproofness, or time of battery charge either. As with Apello, I include it because of the star rating, but not because I feel it is a great product. I honestly don't know if it is, because the sites ratings are not for the product.

So as you can see, though there are about 8 highly rated mole repellent stakes on Amazon this spring, only about numbers 2 to 6 may be regarded as trustworthy.

My conclusions? Thus far the TRUE highest rated solar powered mole repellent stake for 2019 is Toro.

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