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The HIGHEST RATED Mole Repellents for 2025

It's garden time! If you're here, you are likely looking to find a humane mole repellent for this year. Moles don't eat worms and other invertebrates rather than your plants, but many people are concerned their digging activities expose roots.

You don't need to kill moles. They are territorial creatures, and there are generally fewer of them in your yard than you think.

I've listed below the top rated mole repellents for 2025 courtesy of Amazon.

These devices repel moles using vibration. Since most new moles are young animals that disperse from their mother's den as early as April, this is when you should put up your mole repelling stakes. This discourages young moles from choosing your lawn or garden as their new home. It's much harder to repel moles that are already established.

  1. One of the major humane mole repeller is Nikand, once again. It is solar powered, and has become one of the most purchased and highest rated of the mole repellents. It still has the complaint of being loud, so whether you want this one may depend on how long you stay in your yard.

  2. The Victor M9012 Mole and Gopher Chemical Free Sonic Spike - Outdoor Mole and Gopher Repellent Victor has been one of the highest rated pest control brands for a long time. This product is is not solar powered, but uses D batteries. A quick review of the ratings show that the product is most effective at preventing new moles, but not deterring establish ones. As I pointed out earlier, moles are loathe to leave a territory they have claimed, as it is deadly for them to do so. You need to implant stakes BEFORE they become established.

  3. Now this next humane mole repellent is not a brand name, but one of the many generics available on Amazon. It is very highly rated, however. It's called Mole Repellent Solar Powered, 2024 Upgrade IPX7. Despite not being a major brand, it is surprisingly one of the most recommended mole stakes with rave reviews. It is higher rated than even an a long time and recognized brand like Victor.

  4. Finally, one of our other top brands of mole repellent stakes: Bonide. Specifically, the Bonide Molemax Animal Repellent Stake For Gophers and Moles, Battery Operated, Humane Repellent . This one is battery powered, which for those living in areas where it's not particularly sunny, such as the Pacific Northwest, is necessary. It's worth noting that the description for this product says that the sounds represent an animal in distress. This is the first time I've seen a product description say that. I don't know if that's actually the case. But, this mole stake is highly rated and more affordable than some other brands.

So this year, we have some changes from our previous lists of mole repellent stakes. The brand Toro no longer seems to be in the picture. Nikand is a bigger seller than before, and Victor still holds strong. However, it's a generic brand that is one of the highest rated mole repellents. Certainly a change from before.

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A star nosed mole running across the ground, you can repel these moles humanely with mole repellent stakes



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